2/13/2007 01:41:00 ಅಪರಾಹ್ನ

Completely happy and content with being alone?

Hi everyone,
It's that time of the year again - "Valentines Day". It's a time when all those in relationships have an excuse to pamper their loved one, whilst us singles are 'alone.'

I know sooo many people who thrive on being in relationships to the point where it's the ONLY way to achieve 'happiness.' They continually rely on other people to make them happy. They cannot be complete without that special someone in their life, regardless of whether or not that person really is worth it. And when they're single, they're always depressed and searching for their 'one true love.' Pfft...

I am, on the other hand, completely content with being SINGLE! I absolutely love it. I love the thrill of being able to go out every weekend and meet new guys, without wanting a relationship or anything serious to come of it. I've been single since 1980 and it's been the funnest time of my life since then. I always choose a casual fling over a serious relationship. Mainly because I am too picky when it comes to having a girlfriend - I don't want to waste my time with anyone who isn't worth it.

Is there anyone that feels the same way as I do, and realise that there's more to life than having a bf/gf?